Thursday, February 8, 2007

Betta Fish

Betta fish is one of several genera in the Family Osphronemidae. The most famous Betta is the Siamese Fighting fish (Betta splendens). The word Betta comes from a local Siamese name for Siamese Fighting fish, “Ikan Bettah”. The contemporary Thai name for this fish is Pla-kad. Since Bettas – especially the Betta splendens – are so popular among aquarists, we have given these fishes their own section here at AC Tropical fish. If you want to read about the other genera in the Family Osphronemidae, you will find a lot of useful information in the Gourami section of the articles library.

Siamese Fighting fish is not the only Betta fish that is well liked by aquarists. The Betta genus contains more than 50 described species. Most of them can be kept in aquariums but it is only a few species that are commonly kept by other aquarists than the true Betta enthusiasts. One of the most frequently kept Betta species aside from the Siamese Fighting fish is Betta imbellis – the Peaceful Betta. The Peaceful Betta is native to Malaysia and can reach a maximum size of 8 centimeters (3 inches). As the name suggests, it is a docile fish compared to the Siamese Fighting fish and the Peaceful Betta can do well in a community aquarium with other tranquil and non-aggressive species. The ideal water temperature is between 24-28º C (75-82° F) and the pH should be kept in the 5.5-7.0 range. Wild Betta imbellis inhabit densely grown waters and you should therefore provide your Betta imbellis with plenty of hiding places by decorating the aquarium with lots of plants. A Betta imbellis without any hiding places will become extremely stressed.

In South East Asia Betta splendens is traditionally kept as a fighting fish. The Bettas kept in Asia as fighting fishes were brown with a tinge of green and their fins were much smaller than the fins that we can see on the aquarium kept Bettas of today. If you keep a Betta fish in order to make the fight other Bettas, you will naturally have no incitements to breed fancy Betta fish with long and flowing fins that can easily be injured. Betta fighting is still popular in many parts of Asia and those Bettas can look very different from the forms that we find in aquariums. Male Betta splendens are highly territorial, and when put together in the same container they will fight until one of them dies. In the wild, a weaker male can always choose to leave the territory before he becomes deadly injured, but this is naturally impossible in a small fish bowl or aquarium.

The Betta fish species were quite unknown among European and American scientists and fish enthusiasts until the early 19th century. The King of Siam at that time was allegedly a huge Betta fan and he loved to attend Betta fights. A doctor named Theodor Cantor was given a Siamese fighting fish, supposedly directly from the King of Siam, when the doctor was working in Siam. He became fascinated by the Betta fishes and studied their behavior for 10 years before he published an article about them. He called his fish Macropodus Pugnax. A few years after the turn of the century, another doctor developed a similar fascination for these interesting fishes. His name was Dr. Tate Regan and he changed the name Macropodus Pugnax to Betta Splendens

Wednesday, February 7, 2007


Male and female Bettas flare or "puff out" their gill covers (opercula) in order to appear more impressive, either to intimidate other rivals or as an act of courtship. Females and males will display horizontal bars (unless they are too light a colour for this to show) if stressed or frightened. Females often flare their gills at other females, especially when setting up a pecking order. Flirting fish behave similarly, with vertical instead of horizontal stripes indicating a willingness and readiness to breed. Bettas sometimes require a place to hide, even in the absence of threats. Bettas may set up a territory centered on a plant or rocky alcove, sometimes becoming highly possessive of it and aggressive toward trespassing rivals.

On average, males are more aggressive, though individual females, especially crowntails, demonstrate a wide range in level of aggression. The aggression of bettas has been studied by ethologists and comparative psychologists[4]. Bettas will even respond aggressively to their own reflections in a mirror; use of a mirror avoids the risk of physical damage inherent in actual conflict.

Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Tail shapes

Breeders have developed several different tail shapes:
  • Veiltail (non-symmetrical tail, only two rays)
  • Crowntail (highly frilled, extended spiny rays)
  • Combtail (less extended version of the crown tail)
  • Half-moon (large tail fin that forms a 180-degree, or larger, half circle)
  • Short-finned fighting style (sometimes called "plakat")
  • Double-tail (the tail fin is split into two lobes and the dorsal fin is significantly elongated)
  • Delta tail (tail span is less than half-moon with sharp edges)
  • Fantail (a rounded delta tail)

Monday, February 5, 2007


Bettas have been affectionately nicknamed "The Jewel of the Orient" due to the wide range of colors which are produced through selective breeding.

Wild bettas only exhibit strong colors when agitated.[citation needed] However, breeders have been able to make this coloration permanent, and a wide variety of hues breed true. Bettas come in a variety of colors, such as red, blue, turquoise, orange, yellow, white, and green. Most are slightly iridescent, and can appear to change color with different lighting or viewing angle. Breeders have also developed different color patterns such as marble and butterfly, as well as metallic shades such as copper, gold, and opaque.[citation needed]

Breeders around the world continue to develop new varieties. Often, the male species are sold preferentially in stores because of their beauty, compared to the females. Recently, breeders have developed in females the same range of colors previously only bred in males. However, females never develop finnage as showy as males of the same type and are almost always more subdued in colouration.

The gene that makes black bettas is the same one that creates cancer. Therefore, black bettas almost always die earlier than other bettas.

Sunday, February 4, 2007

Reproduction and nests

Females have an ovipositor, a small, white 'pearl' at the anus, most visible from below the fish. After mating, females lay egg clutches of approximately 100-500 eggs, rarely over 600 eggs.[citation needed] The female is generally removed from the breeding tank immediately after spawning, as they are known to eat their own fry.

Betta males build bubble nests of various sizes and thicknesses at the surface of the water. During and after spawning, the male uses his mouth to retrieve sinking eggs and deposit them in the bubble nest. After approximately two days the eggs hatch, and after three more they become free-swimming fry; at this point the male is generally removed from the breeding tank to prevent cannibalism and stress to the young. Betta fry are fed infusoria for the first several days, followed by newly hatched brine shrimp or similarly sized food.[3]

B. splendens can be hybridized with B. imbellis, and B. smaragdina.

Friday, February 2, 2007

Siamese fighting fish

The Betta fish (Betta splendens), commonly called a "siamese fighting fish", is one of the most popular species of freshwater aquarium fish. It is native to the Mekong river basin in Southeast Asia and called pla-kad or pla-kat ("Biting Fish") in its native Thailand.

The name Betta (or betta) is pronounced /ˈbɛtə/.[1] That is, the first part is the same as the English word bet. By confusion with the name of the Greek letter beta, the name is often pronounced /ˈbeɪtə/ in American English, and may be misspelled with one t. The name of the genus is unrelated to that of the Greek letter, being derived from ikan bettah, in a local language in Thailand.[2]

B. splendens usually grow to an overall length of about 6.0 cm (~ 2.3 in), though some varieties reach 8.0 cm (3.5 in.) in length. In recent years breeders have been able to create "Giant Bettas" that exceed 8.0 cm (3.5 in.) due to the manipulation of a mutant gene. Although bettas are known for their brilliant colors and large, flowing fins, the natural coloration of B. splendens is a dull green and brown, and the fins of wild specimens are relatively short. However, brilliantly colored and longer finned varieties, such as veiltail, delta, superdelta, and halfmoon have been developed through selective breeding.

The betta is a member of the Gourami family (family Osphronemidae) of order Perciformes, but was formerly classified among the Anabantidae. Although there are nearly 50 other types of bettas, B. splendens is the most popular species among aquarium hobbyists, particularly in the United States.

Thursday, February 1, 2007

Hickey Champion Champion

photo fit in the arena of contest

His fish Halfmoon yolk.
masi top performance, maintainability ... fish.
mental champion and champion of quality ...

current age = 4.5 months

Monday, January 8, 2007

Bettas Siamese Fighter / Betta fight

We are supplier and Breeder Ornamental Fresh Water Fish. We are an association of some ornamental

Sunday, January 7, 2007

A Beautiful Halfmoon Betta "hickey" Fish

Ain't this a real beaut? I took a picture of this betta fish early in the morning, so that the sunlight can reach the fish tank from side. Its halfmoon tail has 10 white stripes, covered by red, then transparent black. We named it the Lady Killer. Please don't ask why. It just came out of nowhere.

Friday, January 5, 2007

Hickey Vintage (Veil Tail)

I know the kinds of the Veil Tail Betta splendens sdh ill go about in the media, both national and international contests, but I see enough sebnrnya msh byk 'fans'nya outside the city, also in Indonesia, especially for the kelas2 market. Msh I used often to find sellers who sell veils fish tail in his stall, but find it increasingly rare sdh current Ig.
Especially when I remember when I was sitting in elementary school, who my first hickey foster adlh type tail veils td (so bernostalgila .. hehe ..).

I feel sad hickey sebnrnya veiltail current types seem to have no 'respect' again, byk breeders prefer the development of other types of fish fish market who LBH 'promising'. So develop a hickey just krn berdsrkan sale value (this without intending to offend anyone .. pis ..).
Whereas Veil Tail is 'forerunner - the ancestors - biangnya nerds' dr-class cupang2 contest as now, even far as i know (my dr clay foreign websites) hickey any type of Giant hail from the development results, dr hickey this type of veil tail. (Sorry kl wrong.)

If according to my experience pendpt & first, this tail veils hickey hickey termsk type who 'recalcitrant' (for his resistance to disease), the strength of the fin jg any good, which ill easily torn or damaged in comparison with type or serit Halfmoon, her appearance was calm & elegant, trouble eating ga / fussy, MKN diksh hell beaten aja .. hehe ...

It hurt to see this type of current, such as abandoned ill-appreciated lg, supposing 'Peanut skin was forgotten. " I'll be worried if one day this type of hickey bisa2 become 'extinct', krn ill-cultivated again by orang2.
I think, we as responsible jg sebnrnya cupangers for 'preserve' hickey veils type tail. Yahh, suppose that the mere nostalgia for childhood and also for 'klangenan'. Do not let our children will only know hickey types of veils tail only pic or photo only.

I myself have started this current experimental intercross between the regular type of veil tail Betta splendens (male) x PK Giant green dragon (female), cm dear little child is the result of who survive, who survive approximately 35 cm tail, who sdh current age + / - 1 months.
The result of crosses between females with this giant show where there are delightful HSL bebrp tiller dr dr who showed the influence of 'gene giant' in which the growth rate far exceeds the other who (bs 3x different sized folding tiller dr who kecil2). My goal is to preserve this type of fish with a genetic repair LBH good.

Are there any here who teman2 Msh treating hickey this type of veil tail, mhn sharingnya, Thanks.

Thursday, January 4, 2007

Hickey Vintage (Veil Tail)

I know the kinds of the Veil Tail Betta splendens sdh ill go about in the media, both national and international contests, but I see enough sebnrnya msh byk 'fans'nya outside the city, also in Indonesia, especially for the kelas2 market. Msh I used often to find sellers who sell veils fish tail in his stall, but find it increasingly rare sdh current Ig.
Especially when I remember when I was sitting in elementary school, who my first hickey foster adlh type tail veils td (so bernostalgila .. hehe ..).

I feel sad hickey sebnrnya veiltail current types seem to have no 'respect' again, byk breeders prefer the development of other types of fish fish market who LBH 'promising'. So develop a hickey just krn berdsrkan sale value (this without intending to offend anyone .. pis ..).
Whereas Veil Tail is 'forerunner - the ancestors - biangnya nerds' dr-class cupang2 contest as now, even far as i know (my dr clay foreign websites) hickey any type of Giant hail from the development results, dr hickey this type of veil tail. (Sorry kl wrong.)

If according to my experience pendpt & first, this tail veils hickey hickey termsk type who 'recalcitrant' (for his resistance to disease), the strength of the fin jg any good, which ill easily torn or damaged in comparison with type or serit Halfmoon, her appearance was calm & elegant, trouble eating ga / fussy, MKN diksh hell beaten aja .. hehe ...

It hurt to see this type of current, such as abandoned ill-appreciated lg, supposing 'Peanut skin was forgotten. " I'll be worried if one day this type of hickey bisa2 become 'extinct', krn ill-cultivated again by orang2.
I think, we as responsible jg sebnrnya cupangers for 'preserve' hickey veils type tail. Yahh, suppose that the mere nostalgia for childhood and also for 'klangenan'. Do not let our children will only know hickey types of veils tail only pic or photo only.

I myself have started this current experimental intercross between the regular type of veil tail Betta splendens (male) x PK Giant green dragon (female), cm dear little child is the result of who survive, who survive approximately 35 cm tail, who sdh current age + / - 1 months.
The result of crosses between females with this giant show where there are delightful HSL bebrp tiller dr dr who showed the influence of 'gene giant' in which the growth rate far exceeds the other who (bs 3x different sized folding tiller dr who kecil2). My goal is to preserve this type of fish with a genetic repair LBH good.

Are there any here who teman2 Msh treating hickey this type of veil tail, mhn sharingnya, Thanks.

Wednesday, January 3, 2007

fish collection hickey

Combination Halfmoon .. Large Size .. Aperture fin is very broad, red-black color combination of equally

Tuesday, January 2, 2007

Hickey fish / plaque (Short Tail)

This type of Betta has fin fin Betta splendens Halfmoon similar to but shorter in size. That's why this hickey called tail or a short name usually called plaque. For hobbies the barn began to maintain Betta, highly recommended for this type of treatment is much easier than with other types Betta have longer fins.
Hickey plaque. Has fins similar to fins Halfmoon, but shorter in size

Monday, January 1, 2007

Black Crowntail Betta Fish (Cupang Serit Hitam)

Now I've seen a lot of black crowntail betta fish on the net via google. Everytime I searched for crowntail betta, I always ended up seeing those black crowntail bettas. But guess what, I got one too, and I'm posting it here to show them that theirs are good, and mine's better. Hope google will crawl this page fast enough to make this betta fish right here come up to the top of the search page.

Really, this betta fish here is as good as it can be. See its tail. You will see not only it forms a great shape of a crown, but also made of lots of twin points (it's those small tails that formed the whole tail as a crown. I don't know what the right word is, so I use "point"). Next I will post a crowntail betta fish that made of not only twin lines, but three lines on some roots.